Category "men-in-black"

When J's history is erased do they do so with the knowledge that Jeebs knows his identity?

Before being inducted into MiB, K takes J into Jeebs' Pawn Shop. Jeebs calls him "Officer Edwards" (Knowing J's name) Jeebs obviously knows J from his pre-MiB

Did the tobacco industry fund MIB 1 and 2?

I just saw Men in Black 3 and enjoyed it immensely. There was practically no smoking in the film. In MIB 1 and 2, there was a lot of smoki

Change in neuralyzer color in MIB films

In Men in Black (1997), the neuralyzer devices employ a red flash. A few years later, in Men in Black II (2002), the neuralyzers have apparently been upgraded

How much involvement does the government actually have with the M.I.B. department?

In Men In Black, how much control, if any, does the government actually have in the M.I.B. department? When J is first being introduced to the department, K te

What was the purpose of the test in the room with uncomfortable chairs in Men in Black?

In the beginning of Men in Black, when Will Smith is in the room with the other candidates for the job, they're all sitting those egg-style chairs with a table

Did Edwards pass the MiB test? [duplicate]

In Men In Black (1997), K tells Edwards to come to the MiB building where he ends up with a few members from different branches of the militar

Are the Men In Black movies an example of spiritual growth?

Are these movies an example of--or a type of playbook for--spiritual growth? The first movie forces J (Will Smith) to shed the reality of People; to let go o

How can agent J be a member of MIB when K was killed by Boris

In Men In Black, Agent K recruits Agent J. However, in Men In Black 3, K was killed by Boris in the past, and next morning, J was still a part of MIB. How can

Who played the locksmith in the first Men in Black film? [closed]

In the first Men in Black film, there is a scene where agents K and J go to visit Frank the Pug to ask about the galaxy. As their car pulls u

Who plays K's wife in the first Men in Black?

Who is the actress playing his ex love interest who K is looking at from a satellite camera on his computer monitor, and at the end of the film he ends up with

Why does Mikey attack the INS Agent?

In the original Men in Black movie, at the beginning of the movie Agent K and Agent D find the alien Mikey hiding among immigrants being brought into the United

How did Newton survive after what happened to him in Men in Black 1?

In Men in Black, David Cross's character Newton was killed by Edgar. But Newton came back in Men in Black 2 without any sign of harm to him. How did he survive

Alternate line before shooting down the bug's hijacked ship?

As a fan of the MIB movies, especially the first, I have this faint memory of seeing an alternate "punchline" or "gag line" between agents J & K before they

What was the point of wiping James's memory?

At the start of Men in Black after K gets James to id the alien gun he saw K then uses the Neuralizer on James we see them next at a bar where K gives him a car